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How to change your dreams into reality


Dec 12, 2013 Lifestyle 0 Comments

With recession comes growth… Read on and find out why. Recession causes people to pause their daily life and take a step back from mindless consumerism. Instead it demands you to shift focus to important things in life. That’s a good thing. Am I promoting recession here? No, I want you to think and make a plan. The next step to gaining succes.

Treasure map

Treasure mapYou can’t sail the oceans without a map and expect to arrive at your destination. You need a startpoint, an endpoint and a route. Remember, millions of people have ideas and are setting high goals. Everybody knows someone, an inspiring guy or girl, with an awesome idea. Some people start working with their idea and turn it into an amazing concept others are doomed to fail and some do nothing but dream of a magic trick. There are no shortages of ideas, goals and dreams… The only ‘magic trick’ is how to turn these ideas into realities. When you talk or think about your ideas you are not making it happen. At that point, your idea is not a part of your reality. Unless you figure out a solid plan to achieve your goals and embrace it you simply state it can be done.

Small steps can make quite a journey
You have to be absolutely clear on what you want. Often many people fail here. They have an idea but don’t go for it because they feel like it would be a waste of their time if they failed. Others have failed to develop a plan because they had fear their goals weren’t worth chasing after. Before you start make sure you are absolutely clear on what you want.

Ask yourself honest, analytical questions until you find out what you want to achieve in your life. (Start your questions with: what, how, why,…) It’s okey that your ideas change when time passes by but you have to be sure that the energy you will be pouring in when the grind starts is for something you wish.

MindmapA good free program for mac or iphone users can be found @ 

When writing your plan people tend to think about a lifetime. That’s great but don’t forget to create reachable destinations. Your plan does not only contain your end destination, it are the small steps that are important. Where do you want to be in 5 years, in one year, in one month, a week, a day? It are the small steps that matter most. Sure it’s easy to stay in bed and hope one day you’ll get the figure of a fitness model. Chances are, when you are programmed to think like that you’ll never get your goals. Get out of your bed, forget about shameless self-compassion and start working out and you’ll get there in the end. Same applies for other non sport related matters. You need to reprogram your thinking for succes. Succes is not something that happens, it’s a mindset.

Write down your plan, studies show that a plan that isn’t written down is as weak as a goal with no plan. The act of writing it down on paper makes it reality. If the plan only exists in your mind it stays something you hope to do one day. Once you have developed your plan you must write it down and review it daily, adapt it if there is a need to and just stick to it. Only then you will make it through the grind.

Accept that nothing in life is ever guaranteed. It’s your job to prepare yourself as much as you can so you will not be knocked of your path when it does hits the fan. And that preparation is called ‘the plan’. That’s the difference between the organiser of a festival and the guy telling about what would be a great idea for a festival.


We do live in a society where hard work is glorified, however after we have achieved our goals. Nobody notices the fat girl on the threadmill but everyone will complement her when she posts her before and after pictures on a social media network. No one cares for the self made man before he has ‘made’ himself. Hard work is only visible to others once you have achieved certain goals. No one will be giving compliments on the smaller victories and that’s why those small achievements matter most. They aid you and guide you to your next destination and help you trough the grind towards your end goal. I gave you the tools so if you still haven’t done so go work out and write down your plan. Over and out! Next time, the monotonous drudger called the grind.

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