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How to shave like 007


Aug 14, 2013 Personal , , , , , , , , 0 Comments

Hi, since we’ll get to know each other better I want to share with you one of my moments of ultimate relaxation. While a lot of men hate shaving I’ve made it some kind of ritual which I actually enjoy a lot. It was nice to see, when I saw “Skyfall”, that even 007 can enjoy a nice cut throat shave. So read on, I’ll learn you how to shave like 007 and… myself.

Since I was a youngster I first started shaving myself with an electrical razor but I always had troubles with irritated skin after a shave and I’ve had ingrown hair. Then I switched to manual razors but they always were dull after a few sessions and they cost quite a lot of money. I still had irritated skin afterwards so I was getting desperate to decently shave myself without looking like a freak after a shave session. Then I met someone who told me to shave like gramps, “because sometimes the old style is best right?” and convinced this would be the way to go I bought myself my first cutthroat razor at the local hardware store. The first session I looked like I came back from a medieval battlefield and bleeding all over but I was curious on how to properly do it. Therefore to save you from these horrible experiences I will put my guide here.


First of all you’ll need some equipment before you can start so I’ll list them here:
1. Small towels
2. A shaving brush
3. Shaving soap
4. A (straight) razor
5. Essential Oils
6. Aftershave
1. Prepare your beard
One of the best parts of a barbershop straight razor shave are the ridiculous amounts of hot towels you get on your face that are so relaxing. The reason behind the ritual is easy, the hot towels will soften up the beard so the barber can give you a relaxing shave. The bad part: there are almost no barbers anymore who offer a straight razor shave. The good part: you can do it perfectly at home. You don’t need anything fancy for it. Just a towel or washcloth . The next step is picking essential oil. Barbers used to add essential oils to their towels to make them even more relaxing. Traditional scents are lavender, eucalyptus and sandalwood. My personal favorite is Sandalwood. You can buy those oils at many wellness stores eg. Kruidvat. If you want to improvise you could use Vicks VapoRub. A Vicks hot towel not only softens up your beard but will also clear your nose. :)

Whatever oil you go with, apply it to your towel while it’s dry. Just drop a few drops on the towel and then heat up the towel. This is easy, run it under the hot water from the faucet of the bathroom sink and wait until the towel is completely heated up. (Remember, you are going to put it on your face so watch out that you don’t let it get to hot!) Next step is to apply the hot towel to your face and hold it there for a few seconds. Then I feel that my towel is cooling down I’ll rub a few times in the opposite direction of the beard hair. Next up…

2. Lathering up
First soak up your brush in hot water and then swirl in the soap around until you get a nice thick lather. Apply the lather with your brush in swirling motions on your face. When your face is covered up, take a few strokes so it’ll be smoothed out.

3. The shave fase
Shaving with a straight razor actually requires some technique and skill. Once you get the hang of it you will shave effectively in no time. So take your time and be careful.


The 4 keys to master straight razor shaving:
1. Use as little pressure as possible
2. Shave with the grain
3. Go for beard reduction, not removal
4. Put the blade in the right angle

1. Use as little pressure as possible because the weight of the razor is enough to cut the hair. If you put pressure on it you will end up cutting your skin and bleeding all over.
2. Shaving against the grain will get you that smooth feeling but remember, you risk slicing up your face and ingrown hairs. When you are still learning, shave with the grain. Lather up a few times and pass the razor more than once over your face and you’ll guaranteed get that smooth finish you want.
3. The goal of straight razor shaving is gradual beard reduction, not beard removal like you see in the shaving ads. Most men try to shave it all away with one haul of the razor but this is actually what causes the majority of skin irritation. Just lather up, and sweep the razor a few more times of your face. You’ll look up way more healthy in the end.
4. This will be the hardest part. The proper angle is somewhere between 30 and 45 degrees. To get the proper razor angle for your face put you the blade directly on your cheek and lower the blade while angling until the blade cuts the hair. You can easily practice this on your arm if you don’t feel like testing on your face.

4. Post Shave
So the hardest part is over. Clear your face with cold water to close your pores and treat yourself to a nice aftershave. There are plenty to choose from, so pick one you like. I like the products of “Taylor of Old Bond street”.
Aftershave helps to reduce any irritatoin and will leave your skin healthy looking.

Next step is to suit up like 007!

That’s all, I’m looking forward to hear your experiences so feel free to leave a comment below

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