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How to shift out of neutral and start achieving in your life!


Jul 20, 2013 Advertising , , , 0 Comments

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10 000 ways that won’t work.”  Thomas A. Edison couldn’t have said it better.  Alas nowadays we allow people to convince us that some things can’t be done just because it hasn’t been done before or it is simply very hard to succeed.

Humans are driven by the desire to know more… To get better, smarter, stronger than you were before.  To venture into the unknown and uncertain, not knowing where it will lead you and in some extremes, whether you will live through it (for example: the first man on the moon).  This instinct has been the driving force for human expansion and knowledge and it has delivered us the highest place in the food chain. It is this very instinct that allows us to set and reach our goals.

Unfortunately, others or society will claim some mountains cannot be climbed, possibly because they tried it themselves and failed. Your loved ones, because they care for you and don’t want to see you taking any risks. Others will try to talk you out of it simply because they don’t want to see you succeed. If you let them convince you, they will always be right.

Do not fear, standing at the base of an overwhelming obstacle. Learn to embrace it and yearn to know what lies beyond. This is how Agoge Advertising started on the 4th of July 2013. Hi, my name is Hardwig Aerts and I’ve dreamed my entire life about starting my own creative agency. My whole twenties I’ve let others decide that it was impossible in these times to start your own ad agency and I felt bad about not following my dreams. Until now that is… In this blog I will share my personal journey as young entrepreneur and creative director aswell as other things that cross my mind.  This blog won’t be just another online ranting station, instead we will speak of unconventional and innovative ways to solve problems or just talk about things that interest me.

I’d like to hear from you aswell so feel free to leave comments below, tell us about your journey. I’ll always leave your comment unedited as long as it constructive formulated and without foul language. If you have any questions you want to share with me feel free to send me an email.  I try to answer every mail I get or dedicate a blogpost to it. I hope to hear from you soon.

Every mountain is considered unclimbable until someone climbs it…”

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